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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Surgery was the Best Choice I Have Made!
  • 2023-10-19 hit.13,836
  • Writer : Kim*******

My genetically inherited lantern jaw from when I was young led me to seek orthodontic treatment to improve it. However, my lantern jaw was a skeletal lantern jaw, so I wasn't satisfied with the results of the orthodontic treatment, which caused me a lot of stress :'( I decided to undergo double jaw surgery because I didn't want to deal with any more stress that came with noticing my facial asymmetry and large lower jaw when I smiled for photos. 

I had consultations at 3 oral & maxillofacial clinics before having my last consultation at EU Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. I choice EU because all of the staff members at EU treated me with kindness, which put my mind at ease, and the doctor was honest and didn't exaggerate when he spoke with me.  

Day 1

My lower jaw was pushed back a lot. The doctor also told me that the surgery went well, so I'm in a good mood! 

1 Month Post-Op 

The doctor told me I can't chew yet, so I've been having porridge and blending up ice cream, tofu, and fruit. I'm also making a concerted effort to do the jaw exercises, but I can't fit two finger widths in my mouth. As for the swelling, it dissipated quickly until the first week or two after surgery, but now it hasn't been going down very much. Regardless, the surgical sites in my mouth are healing faster than I had expected. Also, my stamina has returned quickly as well, so I have been satisfied for the time being. 

2 Months Post-Op

It has now been two months since my surgery and only the residual swelling is left! The swelling has gone down a lot since the beginning of April! Whenever I met up with my friends, I would always take pictures with photo editing apps. Now that my facial asymmetry is gone and the swelling has dissipated, I'm able to take a lot of photos and live my life stress-free. Although there's no pain in my lower jaw, I'm not able to feel sensations in my upper jaw just yet. I am able to feel most sensations in my lower jaw, however. As of right now, I have been thinking it's a relief that I am able to go about my daily life normally without any side effects! 

4 Months Post-Op

I'm able to chew hard foods without much difficulty, and I'm going about my life having forgotten that I have had surgery. The ability to feel sensations in my lower jaw nerves has returned without any issues, and the swelling in my nose has been going down little by little. I think my nose is returning to its original, pre-surgery appearance, which is a relief. Also, whenever I take photos, I no longer have to hide my lower jaw. The confidence I feel when having my picture taken is the best! :) 

5 Months Post-Op

It's already been five months since my surgery! I think time passes by too quickly. The swelling appears similar to how it did last month. I think I'm at the stage where the swelling goes down very steadily. Having to wear masks due to the COVID-19 pandemic is a bit of a bummer since I can't take as many photos outside, but everyone I meet has been telling me I have gotten prettier, so I have been quite happy these days, lol. 

7 Months Post-Op

I'm seven months post-op! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been continuously wearing a mask, so I have been going about my life unbothered and unaware of the swelling going down, lol! 

9 Months Post-Op

It has already been nine months since my surgery! I lost weight shortly after the surgery because I couldn't have the foods I was craving. Now that I'm able to eat what I want, I have been very happy, but I'm starting to notice the weight gain on my face... :( I haven't experienced any major side effects from the surgery until this point. The numbness around my lips still remains, but I've gotten used to it, so I'm not concerned about it. I feel that the doctor has given me natural-looking results and I'm very satisfied every time I look in the mirror! 

10 Months Post-Op

Ten months have passed since my surgery! It was winter when I first came for my consultation. Time seems to pass by really quickly. When I went to the clinic for my 6-month post-op check-up, I was told that my bones had healed well. I never would have imagined this before, but nowadays I am taking boxing lessons and working hard to lose weight! 

11 Months Post-Op

12 Months Post-Op 

A year has gone by since my surgery. People around me have told me that my malocclusion was not severe, so I had contemplated the decision to undergo double jaw surgery for several years. I think having the surgery was the best choice I have made in my life! In the past, people would tell me that I looked better in photos than in person. Now I get to hear that I look much prettier than I do in photos, which makes me much happier to hear! LOL Although I am quite content, there is still some swelling in my mouth, so I'm eager to see how I'll look once the swelling completely dissipates :)​

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